Magento: Adding a Static Block to a CMS Page1) Create a static blockLogin to your Magento control panel and go to CMS > Static Blocks > Add New BlockGive the block a title, identifier, switch it to enabled and add some content. Once complete hit the ‘Save Block’ button2) Reference the static block in a CMS pageThis is the final…
Posts By admin
Client Problem Client just added a custom option to my product called color. This is a drop down field and can have a list of values. The problem is that the width of this drop down now takes over the whole screen and I cannot for the life of me find where I can decrease the width.If you haven’t already…
At the billing address and shipping address steps of the checkout process in Magento the label for zip/postcode to change Post code. If you want to change, you have to make a few code modifications. You need to go to public_html/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml. This path is to the billing.phtml file of the default theme that comes prepackaged with Magento; if you use…
Users can upload images with uploadify and when uploadify sends the image to my controller I simply attach the sessionid as a parameter. Step One. Create function on own controller app/controller/PagesController.php Step 2 create view file for display <h1>Uploadify Demo</h1> <?php echo $this->Form->create('Setting', array('url'=>'#','type' => 'file')); ?> <div id="queue"></div> <?php echo $this->Form->input('file_upload',array('type' => 'file', "id"=>'file_upload', 'div'=>false,'label'=>false,"multiple"=>"true"));?> <?php echo $this->Form->input('police_no',array('id'=>'police_no', 'div'=>false,'label'=>false));?>…
0inShare How to resolve this issue when .php couldn't execute by your server?Open your .htaccess file and take its backupDelete the old .htaccess fileCreate a new .htaccess file with CHMOD = 777 and upload the new file in ascii mode.Add the following handler in the blank .htaccessAddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .htmlAddHandler x-httpd-php .php .htm .htmlOr coment this code just like…
Add search to your site Once you've created your custom search engine, you can add the Custom Search element to your site so that visitors can use it. To do this, you'll need to copy some code and paste it into your site's HTML where you want your search engine to appear.<form method="get" action="GoogleSearch.htm" target="_top"> <table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> …
How can direct import controller function in ctp file. Some Time we need to direct import controller function in ctp file then given below function is very use full. You can try it Firstly create method on controller file $this->requestAction('/ControllerName/MethodName/);
In this post, I describe a technique for hiding unnecessary menus. Some time we need to hind unnecessary menus for other clients role just like (administrator, contributor, subscriber, author, editor, etc) then with the help of this function we can hide wordpress menu.1. 1 This code include your themes>>functions.php files.// remove unnecessary menusfunction remove_admin_menus () { global $menu; $restrict = explode(',',…
SELECT Concat( mid( fieldname, 1, length(fieldname) -1 ) , REPLACE( mid(fieldname, length(fieldname) ) , ',', "" ) ) as fieldname FROM tablename ORSelect id, REPLACE(fieldname,',','') from tablename where fieldname REGEXP '(.*),' limit 5;update last character from string mysqlUPDATE tablename SET fieldname = Concat( mid(fieldname, 1, length(fieldname) -1 ) , REPLACE( mid(fieldname, length(fieldname) ) , ',', "" ) )
Some time we logout from application, then we got successfully massage you are logout , but we click back button then we see we reach also last page where we logout. I solve this problem with given below function. Add below code in your AppController.php public function beforeRender() { $this->disableCache(); }