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Here you can change Hindi fount to Unicode with the help of Javascript Function
Here you can get all links links where you can Converter Hindi font
Data Conversion gives the facility to convert Hindi Font Data to Unicode
1. Call javascript Function below Body Tag
  <script type=”text/javascript”>
function convert_to_unicode(objValue,showerID)
var array_one = new Array(
“å”,  “ƒ”,  “„”,   “…”,   “†”,   “‡”,   “ˆ”,   “‰”,   “Š”,   “‹”,
“¶+”,   “d+”, “[+k”,”[+”, “x+”,  “T+”,  “t+”, “M+”, “<+”, “Q+”, “;+”, “j+”, “u+”,
“Ùk”, “Ù”, “ä”, “–”, “—”,”é”,”™”,”=kk”,”f=k”,
“à”,   “á”,    “â”,   “ã”,   “ºz”,  “º”,   “í”, “{k”, “{“, “=”,  “«”, 
“Nî”,   “Vî”,    “Bî”,   “Mî”,   “<î”, “|”, “K”, “}”,
“J”,   “Vª”,   “Mª”,  “<ªª”,  “Nª”,   “Ø”,  “Ý”, “nzZ”,  “æ”, “ç”, “Á”, “xz”, “#”, “:”,
“v‚”,”vks”,  “vkS”,  “vk”,    “v”,  “b±”, “Ô,  “bZ”,  “b”,  “m”,  “Å”,  “,s”,  “,”,   “_”,
“ô”,  “d”, “Dk”, “D”, “[k”, “[“, “x”,”Xk”, “X”, “Ä”, “?k”, “?”,   “³”,
“pkS”,  “p”, “Pk”, “P”,  “N”,  “t”, “Tk”, “T”,  “>”, “÷”, “¥”,
“ê”,  “ë”,   “V”,  “B”,   “ì”,   “ï”, “M+”, “<+”, “M”,  “<“, “.k”, “.”,  
“r”,  “Rk”, “R”,   “Fk”, “F”,  “)”, “n”, “/k”, “èk”,  “/”, “Ë”, “è”, “u”, “Uk”, “U”, 
“i”,  “Ik”, “I”,   “Q”,    “¶”,  “c”, “Ck”,  “C”,  “Hk”,  “H”, “e”, “Ek”,  “E”,
“;”,  “¸”,   “j”,    “y”, “Yk”,  “Y”,  “G”,  “o”, “Ok”, “O”,
“‘k”, “‘”,   “”k”,  “””,  “l”, “Lk”,  “L”,   “g”,
“È”, “z”,
“Ì”, “Í”, “Δ,  “Ï”,  “Ñ”,  “Ò”,  “Ó”,  “Ô”,   “Ö”,  “Ø”,  “Ù”,”Ük”, “Ü”,
“‚”,    “ks”,   “kS”,   “k”,  “h”,    “q”,   “w”,   “`”,    “s”,    “S”,
“a”,    “¡”,    “%”,     “W”,  “•”, “·”, “∙”, “·”, “~j”,  “~”, “\”,”+”,” ः”,
“^”, “*”,  “Þ”, “ß”, “(“, “¼”, “½”, “¿”, “À”, “¾”, “A”, “-“, “&”, “&”, “Œ”, “]”,”~ “,”@”)
var array_two = new Array(
“०”,  “१”,  “२”,  “३”,     “४”,   “५”,  “६”,   “७”,   “८”,   “९”, 
“फ़्”,  “क़”,  “ख़”, “ख़्”,  “ग़”, “ज़्”, “ज़”,  “ड़”,  “ढ़”,   “फ़”,  “य़”,  “ऱ”,  “ऩ”,    // one-byte nukta varNas
“त्त”, “त्त्”, “क्त”,  “दृ”,  “कृ”,”न्न”,”न्न्”,”=k”,”f=”,
“ह्न”,  “ह्य”,  “हृ”,  “ह्म”,  “ह्र”,  “ह्”,   “द्द”,  “क्ष”, “क्ष्”, “त्र”, “त्र्”,
“छ्य”,  “ट्य”,  “ठ्य”,  “ड्य”,  “ढ्य”, “द्य”, “ज्ञ”, “द्व”,
“श्र”,  “ट्र”,    “ड्र”,    “ढ्र”,    “छ्र”,   “क्र”,  “फ्र”, “र्द्र”,  “द्र”,   “प्र”, “प्र”,  “ग्र”, “रु”,  “रू”,
“ऑ”,   “ओ”,  “औ”,  “आ”,   “अ”, “ईं”, “ई”,  “ई”,   “इ”,  “उ”,   “ऊ”,  “ऐ”,  “ए”, “ऋ”,
“क्क”, “क”, “क”, “क्”, “ख”, “ख्”, “ग”, “ग”, “ग्”, “घ”, “घ”, “घ्”, “ङ”,
“चै”,  “च”, “च”, “च्”, “छ”, “ज”, “ज”, “ज्”,  “झ”,  “झ्”, “ञ”,
“ट्ट”,   “ट्ठ”,   “ट”,   “ठ”,   “ड्ड”,   “ड्ढ”,  “ड़”, “ढ़”, “ड”,   “ढ”, “ण”, “ण्”, 
“त”, “त”, “त्”, “थ”, “थ्”,  “द्ध”,  “द”, “ध”, “ध”, “ध्”, “ध्”, “ध्”, “न”, “न”, “न्”,  
“प”, “प”, “प्”,  “फ”, “फ्”,  “ब”, “ब”, “ब्”,  “भ”, “भ्”,  “म”,  “म”, “म्”,
“य”, “य्”,  “र”, “ल”, “ल”, “ल्”,  “ळ”,  “व”, “व”, “व्”, 
“श”, “श्”,  “ष”, “ष्”, “स”, “स”, “स्”, “ह”,
“ीं”, “्र”,  
“द्द”, “ट्ट”,”ट्ठ”,”ड्ड”,”कृ”,”भ”,”्य”,”ड्ढ”,”झ्”,”क्र”,”त्त्”,”श”,”श्”,

“ॉ”,  “ो”,   “ौ”,   “ा”,   “ी”,   “ु”,   “ू”,   “ृ”,   “े”,   “ै”,
“ं”,   “ँ”,   “ः”,   “ॅ”,  “ऽ”, “ऽ”, “ऽ”, “ऽ”, “्र”,  “्”, “?”, “़”,”:”,
“‘”,   “’”,   ““”,   “””,  “;”,  “(“,    “)”,   “{“,    “}”,   “=”, “।”, “.”, “-“,  “µ”, “॰”, “,”,”् “,”/”)
var array_one_length = array_one.length ;
var modified_substring =objValue;//document.getElementById(“legacy_text”).value ;
//  Break the long text into small bunches of max. max_text_size  characters each.
    var text_size =modified_substring.length;
        var tempVal=modified_substring;
    var processed_text = ” ;  //blank
    var sthiti1 = 0 ;  var sthiti2 = 0 ;  var chale_chalo = 1 ;
    var max_text_size = 6000;
    while ( chale_chalo == 1 )
     sthiti1 = sthiti2 ;
     if ( sthiti2 < ( text_size – max_text_size ) )
      sthiti2 +=  max_text_size ;
      while (tempVal.charAt ( sthiti2 ) != ‘ ‘) {sthiti2–;}
     else  { sthiti2 = text_size  ;  chale_chalo = 0 }

     var modified_substring = tempVal.substring ( sthiti1, sthiti2 )  ;

   Replace_Symbols( ) ;

    processed_text += modified_substring ;
L = processed_text  ;
        document.getElementById(showerID).innerHTML = processed_text  ;
function Replace_Symbols( )
if ( modified_substring != “” )  // if stringto be converted is non-blank then no need of any processing.
for ( input_symbol_idx = 0;   input_symbol_idx < array_one_length;    input_symbol_idx++ )
idx = 0  ;  // index of the symbol being searched for replacement
while (idx != -1 ) //whie-00

modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( array_one[ input_symbol_idx ] , array_two[input_symbol_idx] )
idx = modified_substring.indexOf( array_one[input_symbol_idx] )

} // end of while-00 loop
} // end of for loop

// Code for Replacing five Special glyphs

// Code for Glyph1 : ± (reph+anusvAr)
   modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /±/g , “Zं” ) ; // at some places  ì  is  used eg  in “कर्कंधु,पूर्णांक”.
// Glyp2: Æ
// code for replacing “f” with “ि” and correcting its position too. (moving it one position forward)

modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Æ/g , “र्f” ) ;  // at some places  Æ  is  used eg  in “धार्मिक”.

var position_of_i = modified_substring.indexOf( “f” )

while ( position_of_i != -1 )  //while-02
var charecter_next_to_i = modified_substring.charAt( position_of_i + 1 )
var charecter_to_be_replaced = “f” + charecter_next_to_i
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , charecter_next_to_i + “ि” )
position_of_i = /f/ , position_of_i + 1 ) // search for i ahead of the current position.

} // end of while-02 loop

// Glyph3 & Glyph4: Ç  É
// code for replacing “fa” with “िं”  and correcting its position too.(moving it two positions forward)

modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Ç/g , “fa” ) ; // at some places  Ç  is  used eg  in “किंकर”.
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /É/g , “र्fa” ) ; // at some places  É  is  used eg  in “शर्मिंदा”

var position_of_i = modified_substring.indexOf( “fa” )

while ( position_of_i != -1 )  //while-02
var charecter_next_to_ip2 = modified_substring.charAt( position_of_i + 2 )
var charecter_to_be_replaced = “fa” + charecter_next_to_ip2
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , charecter_next_to_ip2 + “िं” )
position_of_i = /fa/ , position_of_i + 2 ) // search for i ahead of the current position.

} // end of while-02 loop

modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( /Ê/g , “ीZ” ) ; // at some places  Ê  is  used eg  in “किंकर”.

var position_of_wrong_ee = modified_substring.indexOf( “ि्” )

while ( position_of_wrong_ee != -1 )  //while-03

var consonent_next_to_wrong_ee = modified_substring.charAt( position_of_wrong_ee + 2 )
var charecter_to_be_replaced = “ि्” + consonent_next_to_wrong_ee
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , “्” + consonent_next_to_wrong_ee + “ि” )
position_of_wrong_ee = /ि्/ , position_of_wrong_ee + 2 ) // search for ‘wrong ee’ ahead of the current position.

} // end of while-03 loop

// Eliminating reph “Z” and putting ‘half – r’ at proper position for this.
set_of_matras = “अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ ओ औ ा ि ी ु ू ृ े ै ो ौ ं : ँ ॅ”
var position_of_R = modified_substring.indexOf( “Z” )

while ( position_of_R > 0 )  // while-04
probable_position_of_half_r = position_of_R – 1 ;
var charecter_at_probable_position_of_half_r = modified_substring.charAt( probable_position_of_half_r )

while ( set_of_matras.match( charecter_at_probable_position_of_half_r ) != null )  // while-05

probable_position_of_half_r = probable_position_of_half_r – 1 ;
charecter_at_probable_position_of_half_r = modified_substring.charAt( probable_position_of_half_r ) ;

} // end of while-05

charecter_to_be_replaced = modified_substring.substr ( probable_position_of_half_r , ( position_of_R – probable_position_of_half_r ) ) ;
new_replacement_string = “र्” + charecter_to_be_replaced ;
charecter_to_be_replaced = charecter_to_be_replaced + “Z” ;
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace( charecter_to_be_replaced , new_replacement_string ) ;
position_of_R = modified_substring.indexOf( “Z” ) ;

} // end of while-04

} // end of IF  statement  meant to  supress processing of  blank  string.


<div id=”test1″></div>
<div id=”test2″></div>
<div id=”test3″></div>
<div id=”test4″></div>
<div id=”test5″></div>
<script language=”javascript”>
var objValue;
objValue1=”vfer xkSj”;
objValue2=”tkQj [kku”;
 with the help of this blog

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