Product Custom options dropdown list width problem in magento
Client Problem
Client just added a custom option to my product called color. This is a drop down field and can have a list of values. The problem is that the width of this drop down now takes over the whole screen and I cannot for the life of me find where I can decrease the width.
If you haven’t already done so you will probably want to change the product options display to “Product Info Column” (go to this option Product > Design > Display product options in > Product Info Column)
That will reduce the size and change the position of the product options. If you need to reduce it more then from what firebug shows you need to edit the width of .product-info-box in skin/adminhtml/default/default/boxes.css – this also affects all information above it so make sure you don’t make it too small or it’ll screw up the look of the page. To reduce the size of the dropdown boxes but keep the product option container the same size you need to play around with the .product-options css in boxes.css