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Have you ever been wondering why your application slow even tough you already fix your application code? The performance of an application doesn't just depend on the application code, it also depends on the database it uses. If the database is poorly designed or doesn't have enough resources to handle the application's traffic, the application can become slow or unresponsive.…

To update the view counter in Laravel database, you can follow these steps: Step 1: Create a migration for the table (if not already created) that will hold the view counter. For example, you can create a migration named "add_view_count_to_articles_table" that will add a "view_count" column to the "articles" table. php artisan make:migration add_view_count_to_articles_table --table=articles Step 2: In the migration…

One of the biggest reasons that large-scale MySQL sites slow down is because their database hasn’t been optimized. A lot of older sites are still using the MyISAM storage engine in their database. currently, InnoDB has been shown to perform better and be more reliable.  A big reason to use InnoDB over MyISAM is the lack of full table-level locking.…

Sometimes we need insert multiple booking date in the database behalf of the same add_id I have a form to book ads for multiple dates, which are selected by using a calendar in the form and then posted in JSON format. An example would be: but I am having a problem storing this json string for each ad. How would…

This Free database does not guarantee for the complete list of world countries, states and cities. Seeking Country/State/City Database? Here You got a list of Countries, States and Cities. Country List is SQL/Msql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `countries` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `sortname` varchar(3) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(150) NOT NULL, `phonecode` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)…

SELECT Concat( mid( fieldname, 1, length(fieldname) -1 ) , REPLACE( mid(fieldname, length(fieldname) ) , ',', "" ) ) as fieldname FROM tablename ORSelect id, REPLACE(fieldname,',','') from tablename where fieldname REGEXP '(.*),' limit 5;update last character from string mysqlUPDATE tablename SET fieldname = Concat( mid(fieldname, 1, length(fieldname) -1 ) , REPLACE( mid(fieldname, length(fieldname) ) , ',', "" ) )

Creating Paging using PHP and MySQL with classes Paging means showing your query result in multiple pages instead of just put them all in one long page.MySQL helps to generate paging by using LIMIT clause which will take two arguments. First argument as OFFSET and second argument how many records should be returned from the database.Below is a simple example…

Print Multiple Row without Nested Loop with DatabasePrint Multiple Row without Nested Loop with Database ·         Some Time You need To Print Multiple Row According Database But You Can Not Print Multiple row Without Nested Loop. But I can do Without Use nested Loop. Only use <ui> and <li> tag·         click on the text to Update Photo Title .·         Auto Increase…
