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Exporting data from a database to an Excel file is a common requirement for many web applications. This process can be made simpler and more efficient with the help of Laravel 8 and 9. In this article, we will discuss how to export an Excel file in Laravel 8 and 9 using MySQL database. We will also discuss the various…

Have you ever been wondering why your application slow even tough you already fix your application code? The performance of an application doesn't just depend on the application code, it also depends on the database it uses. If the database is poorly designed or doesn't have enough resources to handle the application's traffic, the application can become slow or unresponsive.…

To prevent bots from registering into your web app you can add a Captcha. In this tutorial, I will show you how to add Google reCAPTCHA to the register page in laravel 9 Step 1. Custom Validation Rule We will validate the recaptcha after submitting the form. So first, we will create a custom validation rule. php artisan make:rule Recaptcha This will create a…

Sure, here's a blog post that explains how to implement custom login and middleware in Laravel: Secure and customizable authentication is an essential part of any web application. Laravel, being one of the most popular PHP frameworks, provides a simple and powerful way to implement authentication using built-in authentication features. In addition to the built-in authentication, Laravel also allows you…

To update the view counter in Laravel database, you can follow these steps: Step 1: Create a migration for the table (if not already created) that will hold the view counter. For example, you can create a migration named "add_view_count_to_articles_table" that will add a "view_count" column to the "articles" table. php artisan make:migration add_view_count_to_articles_table --table=articles Step 2: In the migration…

In this tutorial, we'll be installing and using the Laravel 9 authentication UI tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to create a simple authentication using the Laravel 9 framework and the Laravel UI package. we'll walk you through each step and explain everything in details so you can eassily follow along. Laravel/UI package is a composer package for Laravel…

Here, i will explain to create seeder for insert multiple records on database table in laravel framework. In this example you will show how to use seeder and how you can run specific seeder in laravel project. We should know what is database seeder in laravel and why we should use before start example of database seeding. Laravel provides a…

Here we discuss how to add toaster notification in any version of laravel application. In this post, we will look at how we can utilize any version of Laravel’s flash helper function to show toaster notifications in our application.When user signup or sign in on your website, or perform an action, it’s always recommended to notify the user about progress…
