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To increase the lifetime of a custom session in Laravel, you can use the put() method on the Illuminate\Session\Store object to set the session value and expiration time. Here are the steps:


First, you need to obtain the Illuminate\Session\Store instance for your custom session. You can do this by calling the session() function, passing in the name of your custom session as an argument. For example:

$mySession = session('my_session_name');


Next, you can use the put() method on the Illuminate\Session\Store object to set the session value and expiration time. The put() method takes two arguments: the key for the session value, and the value itself. Additionally, you can pass a third argument to specify the expiration time in minutes. For example:

$mySession->put('my_key', 'my_value', 240);

In this example, the session value for the key 'my_key' will expire after 240 minutes of inactivity.


Finally, you can retrieve the session value using the get() method on the Illuminate\Session\Store object, passing in the key for the session value as an argument. For example:

$value = $mySession->get('my_key');

This will return the value 'my_value' that was set in the previous step.

Note that the put() method will override any existing value for the specified key. If you want to add a new value without overwriting an existing one, you can use the push() method instead. For example:

$mySession->push('my_array_key', 'my_new_array_value', 240);

This will add the value 'my_new_array_value' to the array stored in the session under the key 'my_array_key', and set its expiration time to 240 minutes.

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